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29 May 2017

Tom Yum Kung Thai Soup

Thailand is only 6 hours by airplane from Japan. It's a very popular vacation place for us.

Ready in: 15 minutes

Ingredients for four:
1 can of coconut milk
1/2 cup of chicken stock
1 teaspoon of Rayu chili oil, if you have any
Lemon glasses
2 tablespoons of Korean chili powder
4 shrimps
1/2 can of straw mushrooms
Handful of bean sprouts
Some greem onions
4 cherry tomatoes
Some coriander

Step 1: Peel shrimpskins off.

Step 2: In a pot, put coconut milk, chicken stock, and shrimpskins.

Step 3: Break lemon glasses and add them in the soup. Put chili powder as well.

Step 4: Put vegetables into the pot.

Step 5: Cook for 5 minutes, and remove shrimshell and add actual shrimp meat.

Step 5: Top it with some coriander.