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29 May 2017

Kimpira- Lotus Root and Carrot Spicy Stir Fry

I have been practicing Microbiotics Diet since 2015.
Lotus Roots are often eaten in Microbiotics Diet.
The biggest reason why I started Microbiotics Diet is to warm up my body. Maybe because I live in a city where gets minus 30 degrees in the winter, I feel cold always. I am bundled up with leg warmers, a blanket and scarf at work, and I am still cold. I researched how I can warm up my body online. I tried many different things, but nothing lasts long. My friend’s parents own a Chinese medicine store, and they recommended boiling water with some dried fruits for 30 minutes and make a tea. I wasn’t sure if I could continue it. It tastes awful, but surprisingly I’m still doing it. This is how I went back to the orient culture.
I researched more about Chinese medicine, and learned Yin and Yang in food. Then I ended up reaching out to Microbiotics Diet which was invented in Japan in 1928. If you go deep in the concept, it gets complicated. However, eat a bowl of rice with some pickles, and miso soup, that’s a very simple Microbiotics Diet.
I enjoy Japanese simple food, so this diet is very fun for me.
Cut refined suger, dairy food, meat, fish, and reduce egg consumption. Eat rice, seaweeds, beans, fungus and vegetables. Microbiotics Diet doesn’t consume fruits or raw vegetable- except mandarin orange and apples. I eat meat and fish on weekends, and enjoy coffee in the morning.

Simply, stick to Japanese traditional dish. This is what I like th most about this diet!

Ready in: 15 minutes

Ingredients for two:
2 small lotus roots
1/2 carrots
1 chili
2 tablespoons of mirin
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of sake
sesame oil

Step 1: Cut vegetables.

Step 2: In a pan, put some sesame oil, and cook vegetables. Add mirin, soy sauce, sake.