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9 Oct 2016

Chirashi zushi- Vinegar Flavoured Rice with Toppings

I lived with a South Korean guy and a French Canadian girl from Quebec when I was studying abroad. We decided to cook a traditional dish from own country 3 nights in a row. The Korean guy would cook Bibimbap, and the girl would make a French dish. They of course asked me to make Sushi. You can easily imagine how much we were excited.

However, the shared meals didn’t turn well!

His Bibimbap was just fried rice, and her French dish was broccoli with white roux on top. He said that meaning of Bibimbap was “mixed rice”, and she said white roux represented French.

I cooked this Chirashi-zushi, and could tell both of them disappointed to see another “mixed rice” on the plate!

Chirashi-zushi is a classic Sushi we make at home for a special occasion such as a birthday party. Sushi rice means simply vinegar rice in our language. 

But I understand their disappointment for those who expected Sushi dressed with raw fish.

Well, we learned something new in other cultures.

 Ready in: 15 minutes with cooked rice

Ingredients for two:

Prepare the same ingredients as Chakin Zushi- VegetableSushi Wrapped with Thin Omlet till Step 6

Some smoked salmon slices or cooked shrimp
Some cucumbers
Shredded Nori

Step 1: Strip the thin omelet
Step 2: Put everything on a plate