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12 Mar 2015

Kare- Japanese Curry and Rice

Who doesn't like curry!? Curry is world favorite food, isn't it? Japanese curry is brown and think. Try to cook it up to 24 hours, and you will know what I mean by "world favorite"!

Ready in: 24 hours! (incl. 10 minutes preparation)

Ingredients for four:
1 tablespoon of butter
1 garlic clove, minced
1 onion, sliced
Any vegetables in your fridge
4 Japanese curry cubes
If needed, meat or seafood such as beef, chicken or shrimp, cook in a pan
Japanese Curry Cubes

Step 1: Cut vegetables into fine cubes.

Step 2: Cook onions and garlic with butter.

 Step 3: Put everything into a crock pot, and set as low.

12 hours later
Step 4: Put curry cubes and meat a couple of hours before eating. Shrimp should only go on the plate when serving.