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12 Mar 2015

Kaki Gohan- Flavored Rice with Oyster

When I talk about Japan or Japanese culture, I cannot exclude food in Japan. Japanese culture is Japanese food, pottery goes with the food, events and holidays that we enjoy specific food, seasons for food that we can only eat a certain time.

Oysters are winter food. In Hiroshima where I grew up, we have an oyster festival at a shrine. In the south island Kyushu, there are so many oyster-shacks along the beach. You bring own Sake, side dishes and sauces for oysters, and you buy buckets of fresh shelled-oysters for real cheap. The shack supplys BBQ, and you cook your own.

Nothing would satisfy me more that good food!

Canadian winter is almost over, and I just realized that I haven't eaten oysters this winter!

Ready in: 45 minutes (incl. 5 minute preparation)

Ingredients for two:
<Prepare the following in a bowl>
1 cup of raw rice
1 canned oyster
some mushrooms (Shimeji or Oyster mushrooms)
2 teaspoons of soy sauce
1 teaspoon of sake
1.5 cup of fresh water

Step 1: Put everything in a pot, and add .

See, How to Cook Sushi Rice on Stove

Step 2:Sprinkle some green onions on top.