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24 Feb 2014

Niku Jyaga- Potato and Pork Stew

Who doesn't like Niku Jyaga!?

You can make it without meat.

Ready in: 15 minutes

Ingredients for two:
1 onion, sliced
30g of sliced pork or ground pork
1 carrot, cut into cubes
2 potatoes, cut into cubes
2 tablespoons of honey/ maple syrup
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
100ml of chicken broth (100ml of warm water+1 tea spoon of chicken broth powder)
Sesame oil

Step 1: Brown onions with sesame oil.

Step 2: Add pork.

Step 3: Add carrots and potatoes.

I added Konnyaku noodles.
 Step 4: Once they are all mixed, add honey, broth and soy sauce. Cook till carrots get soft.

Step 5: Voila!