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21 Oct 2013

Kabocya de Suito Poteto- Pumpkin Cupcakes

There are sweet- potato cupcakes in Japan.
Since it's a pumpkin season here, I tried it with pumpkin. It turned out really good!

Ready in: 45minutes (doesn't include the cooling down time)

Roughly 1 kg of pumpkin or squash
2 tablespoons of butter
Sugar (* See Step 2 for the amount)
Cream or milk (* See Step 2 for the amount)
2 egg yolks (put about  1 tablespoon worth aside)

Get your oven ready for 410 F.

Step 1: Cook pumpkin and mush them.

Step 2: While it's hot, add butter, sugar, cream and eggs.
  • Adding cream: Depending on the type of the pumpkin you are cooking, pumpkin may be very watery. Try to keep a mash-potato texture.
  • Adding sugar: Make it as sweet as you wish. Pumpkin have a natural sweet taste.
Remember, leave the amount of 1 tablespoon. 
Step 3: Put it in bake wears, and bake.
Bake them for 10 minutes till the top part is dry.
Step 4: When the top part is dry, paint egg yolk on top.

Step 5: Bake another 15 minutes or so.