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4 Mar 2013

Tamago Yaki- Rolled Omelet

Although Japan is such a small country, each island/ prefecture has a different taste of food. Tamago Yaki is one of these foods. East of Japan adds sugar and west is salt. Since my mother is from Tokyo, my Tamago Yaki has to be sweet.

An omelet is a main dish in North America, but Tamago Yaki is a side dish.

Ingredients for two
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of sugar
Fish stock (2 tablespoons of warm water+ 1 tea spoon of fish stock)
Oil for a frying pan

Step 1: Whisk all the ingredients in a bowl.

Step 2:  Set the stove temperature on 6 or 7 (middle heat), add oil in a frying pan. Pour 1/3 of mixture in the pan.
<Note> You will add the mixture by dividing into 3 times.

Step 3: Using a spatula, slowly scrape it from the edge.

Step 4: Add  the second batch.

Step 5: Roll it from the edge, and then add the last batch.

Step 6: Roll it, and try to make it in a nice shape.

Step 7: Replace it on a plate or chopping board, and then cool it down.
<Note> If you cut it immediately, you will deform it.

Step 8: Cut it within 2 cm each piece. 

Inside of it should be layers.

Serve it on a plate with grained Daikon radish and soy sauce on top.

Tamago Yaki will be a good appetizer.