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27 May 2019

Fuwa Fuwa Hot Keki- Fluffy Pancakes

Apparently, fluffy pancakes are super popular in Japan now days.

I work compressed hours to get a Friday off every other week. It feels so special to have a  slow morning with pancakes knowing that other people are working!!

Ready in: 20 minutes

Ingredients for four pancakes:
1 egg, separate egg yolk and white
10g sugar in egg white
100cc milk
Butter to bake
Fruits and icing suger to garnish
[Prepare in a shifter]
100g flour
5g baking powder

Required Equipment:
Flour shifter
Hand mixer

Step 1: Prepare ingridients

Step 2: Make meringue

Step 3: Whip egg yolk and add milk and dry ingridients 

Step 4: Add  meringue in to step 3 and lightly mix

Step 5: On the low heat, warm up a pan and prepare a dump cloth. When the pan is warmed up, place the pan on the cloth to cool down a bit. 

Step 6: Put butter and one ladle of batter on the pan and cook at very slowly.

 Step 7: Once you see some bubbles on the surface, cover the pan with a lid.

 Step 8: Flip it and cook

Step 9: Enjoy!