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29 May 2017

Jyako no Tsukudani- Caramelized Dry Anchovies

I can buy most of Japanese food in Canada. However, there are a few things that I cannot find. Tsukudani is one of them. It's a simmered food in soy sauce and sugar.

Ready in: 15 minutes

50g of dried anchovies
Handful of nuts of your choice, crushed
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
3 tablespoons of sake, or white wine, if you want to remove the smell of fish, soak it in 3-2 tablespoons of sake
3 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons of mirin, if you have any
Step 1: Wash anchovies and drain water. 

Step 2: In a pot, heat up soy sauce, sake, sugar and mirin.

Step 3: Add fish in to it, and mix it well.

Step 4: Add crushed nuts.

Step 5: Keep cooking till there is no more liquid.