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6 Feb 2017

Purin- Custard Pudding

My friend called it English custard pudding, but it's Japanese pudding! You can find a large selection of custard, chocolate or milk pudding shelf at a store in Japan. We love pudding!

Ready in: 45 minutes, excluding chilling time

Ingredients for 5 Cups:
200 ml of whipping cream
200 ml of milk
4 eggs
50g of sugar
vanila essence

Caramel Sauce
Water and sugar, heated in a small pan
Maple syrup

Baking pan
Paper towel

Step 1: Heat up cream and milk in a pot. Do NOT boil it. Turn the heat off.
Step 2: Beat eggs very very well, add it to the pot, and mix it well. Add some vanila essence as well. AGAIN, do NOT boil. 

Step 3: Put the mixture into cups.

Step 4: In a baking pan, place some some sheets of paper towel, and put a bit of water. Place the cups on it.

Step 5: Without any pre-heating, bake it in 225 F for 20 minutes, and increase the heat to 300 F for 10-15 minutes.
Well-chilled tastes better!
Step 6: Put some syrup or caramel sauce on top,