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6 Feb 2017

Chimaki- Steamed Sticky Rice with Meat and Veggies

My mother was on mission of making home-made food and dessert 365 days a year when I grew up. She has made anything by herslef; juice, pizzas, birthday cake, ice cream, anything you can think of. 

There are many food that I missed from her. Chimaki rice is one of my favorite.

After both her children left home, my mother opened a cooking class and still enjoys home-made cooking. 

She has never taught me how to cook. We've never stood in the kitchen together. However, I remember seeing things what she did in the kitchen, and oddly enough I know what to do to make her taste.

This rice taste good even eating it cold.

Ready in: 30 minutes

Ingredients for four:
2 cups of sweet rice
1/2 cups of dried mushrooms- dilute the mushroom water to 2 cups
1/2 cups of minced chicken or pork, if you want
1 cup of vegetables, such as green beans, carrots, or bamboo shoots 
2 tablespoons of sake
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 tablespoons of sesame oil for frying
2 cups of  mushroom water

Foil or leaves to wrap

Step 1: Soak dried mushrooms in water and mice them. Do NOT throw out the water!!

Step 2: Mince your meat and vegetables, and cook eveything with sesame oil in a frying pan.

Step 3: Wash rice, and put in the pan. Mix everything.

Step 4: Put mushroom water, sake and soy sauce, and cook untill water disappears.

Rice should look still white, and uncooked.
Step 5: Place some in foil and wrap it in a shape you like.

Step 6: Steam the wraps for 20 -30 minutes.
Put the lid on!