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8 Jun 2015

Goya Chanpuru- Stir Fry with Bitter Melon (Karella)

Goya, which is known as bitter melon or karella, is my life saver and the best friend that I can share my great memory with.
Goya Chanpuru is a dish that is eaten in the southern part of Japan.

When I graduated college, I wanted to go travel.  Then I though "Why can't I live like I'm on travel?", and moved to Okinawa Island. Everybody thought I lived in a dream.

Okinawa Island is a southern resort island with blue ocean and coconut trees.
According to Wikipedia, Okinawa has....
Population: 1,416,587
Total Area: 2,271.30 km2 (876.95 sq mi) on 113 islands

Living on a tropical island is nothing like what you think. I still needed to find a job that I could survive there by myself (literally by myself!!), and to get a place to live.

Well, I was young enough to try any things.

After struggling with their language and culture, I finally got a job and an apartment that had no air conditioner in 40 degree-weather with the tiniest parking space that you could possibly think of! My unit was like a sauna during hot'n steamy summer,  and it had nice'n green mold-lawn on the entire floor during humid typhoon season.

Goya has full of vitamins. It gives you energy to fight in the heat!

I ate Goya every single day.  If there was no Goya, I would't be able to live like "I'm on travel".
I lived 10 minutes away from the beach, went for scuba diving and body board after work, and
traveled to other Okinawan islands on vacation.

I DID live like I was on travel for 5 years!

Ready in: 30 minutes

Ingredients for two:
3 bitter melon
A half pack of bacon or SPAM pork can
1 egg
1 carrot
2 cubes of Tofu
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 teaspoons of Dashi stock

Step 1: Cut bitter melon into half.

Step 2: Using a spoon, remove inner from the bitter melon, and slice it.

Step 3: Put some salt to take off bitterness, and leave it for 10 minutes.

Step 4: Cook bacon.

Step 5: Add carrots and bitter melon, and put Dashi stock.

Step 6: Make a scramble egg and mix everything together.

Add soy sauce

Step 7: Add Tofu and mix them well.