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12 Mar 2015

Pannakotta- Agar Pannacotta with Berry Sauce

Pannacotta is popular dessert in Japanese. I use agar-agar, Kanten, to make it more Japanese!

Ready in: 70 minutes (the preparation time is 10 minutes.)

Non-Vegan Option) Ingredients for four cups:
7g of agar-agar powder
50g of sugar
200cc of milk
200cc of cream
A few drops of vanilla essence

Vegan Option) Ingredients for six cups:
12g of agar-agar powder 
100g of sugar
400cc of coconut milk
300cc of water

<Prepare the following in a pan, berry sauce>
1 cup pf mix berries
30 g of sugar

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Step 1: Mix agar-agar and sugar 

Step 2: Put milk and cream in a pan to heat. 
<Important> Do not boil it! 

Add some vanilla essance
 Step 3: Wet cups that you are going to put the mixture.

 Step 4: Add the powder mix.
<Important> Agar-agar will be jelled in room temperature once it's wet!
Do not boil it!

 Step 5: Very quickly, pour the mixture into cups.
Put them in the fridge after it's cool down
Step 6: Put berries and sugar in a pan.
I use coconut sugar
Step 7: Cook it.

Step 8: Add lemon juice when it's fully cooked.

Step 9: Place the sauce on the set jelly.