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12 Mar 2015

Chakin Zushi- Vegetable Sushi Wrapped with Thin Omlet

In our language, Sushi has a couple way to spell. One is "The best way to eat fish", and other is "Food which manages celebration". I belive that one of the reasons why Sushi becomes a popular Japanese food is that we serve Sushi to foreigners often as a food to celebrate to get to know them.

Sushi also has many different styles. Here is one of them!

Ready in: 45 minutes

Ingredients for two wraps:
<Prepare the following in a pan>
1/2 cups of cut lotus roots
1/2 cups of cut carrots
1/2 cups of mushrooms, wet dried mushrooms 
1 cup of Dashi stock
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of soy sauce

2 eggs
1/2 cups of Sushi rice, or 1 cup of cooked rice
Some chopped green onions 

<Sushi vinegar>
2 tablespoons of rice vinegar
1 tablespoon of sugar
A pinch of salt

For cooking Sushi rice, see How to Cook Sushi Rice on Stove

Lotus roots, it gives nice'n crunchy texture

Step 1: Soak the lotus roots in a water and put 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

Drain it after 10 minutes
Step 2: Add 1/2 cups of water onto dried mushrooms.
Keep the water
Step 3: Cut carrots.

Step 4: Put everything into a pan, and cook with stock, mushroom water and honey.
Add soy sauce when everything is cooked
Cook it until it drys up
Step 5: Put cooked rice in a bowl, add Sushi vinegar and mix it well. Add cooked vegetables into it.

Step 6: Make two omelets paper thin.


Step 7: Place rice in the middle of the omelet, and wrap it.
Tie it by using a string or band