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22 Dec 2014

Harajyuku Kurepu- Crêpe

For the longest time, I thought crepe is a Japanese food. It was so popular in Japan when I was small.
I liked to stop at a crepe stand and had it while shopping!

I have made crepe using this recipe for years and years. It's always sooooo good.

On a snowy Saturday morning, start your day slowly with a fresh crepe!


Ready in: 20 minutes

Ingredients for four sheets:
<Prepare the following in a bowl>
100g of flour
A pinch of table salt
1 tablespoon of sugar

200cc of milk or unsweetened soy milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of melted butter
a few drops of vanilla essense
some whipped cream
some fruits and nutella

Step 1:In the flour bowl, make room for milk and egg in the centre.

Step 2: Mix milk and egg together, and put it slowly in the middle of the powder mixture. Stir it well.
<Tip> Leave it over night if you have time!
Add butter before cooking

Step 3: Heat your pan really hot, and prepare a wet cloth beside the pan. Remove the hot pan from the heat, place it on the cloth for 3 seconds, and  put it back on the heat. Now you are good to pour the mixture in!

Step 4: Make it as the Harajyuku style! Place your fruits on the half of the crepe.

Fold it into half and side to side

Wrap it, and eat!