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5 Mar 2014

Oyako Don- Egg and Chicken on Rice

Oyako means a parent and child in Japanese. Here is "hen and chick" food.

Ready in: 10 minutes

Ingredients for two:
200g of chicken
2 eggs
1 onion
Green onions
50ml of Dashi fish broth (50ml of warm water+1 tea spoon of Dashi broth powder)
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of honey

Step 1: Slice an onion, and chop green onions.

Step 2: Cut chicken against lines.

Step 3: Cook onions with broth.


Step 4: Add chicken.

Step 5: Add green onions.

Step 6: Add honey and soy sauce, and then put beaten eggs.
Turn the heat off after 30 seconds!

Step 7: Put it on rice in a bowl.