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22 Apr 2013

Gyu no Tataki- Cold Roasted Beef

In Japan, prices of beef are double or even triple more than that of those in Canada. Eating beef is such a treat in Japan, but not here.

Let's make a treat- meal!

Ready in: 15 minutes

Ingredients for two:
Lump of sirloin beef
Minced garlic
Sliced onions
<Prepare the following citrus sauce in a bowl>
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Grated garlic

Step 1: In a pan, place minced garlic and butter, and then heat it up.

Step 2: Grill beef all around. Make sure you cook till 2mm from outside is cooked. Do not overcook.

Step 3: Cut the lump into very thin slices.
<Tip> It's easier to cut it when it's cold or frozen.
Serve with sliced onion and citrus sauce