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25 Mar 2013

Tofu to Wakame no Miso Shiru- Misso Soup with Tofu & seaweeds

Miso Shiru in Japan isn't a main dish.

Ready in: 7 minutes

Ingredients for two:
50g of Tofu
1 tablespoon of wakame seaweeds
1.5 tablespoons of Miso paste
<Prepare the following in a pot>
2 cups of water
1 teaspoon of Dashi

For unfamiliar ingredients, see <Seasonings and Sauce>.

Step 1: Place the pot on the stove.

Step 2: Cut Tofu into cubes.
<Tip> Cut it on your hand. Don't slide a knife, slightly push it down.

Step 3: Add Wakame seaweeds and Tofu in the pot.

Step 4: Using a strainer, add Misso paste. Make sure it all melts in the pot.
<Important> Turn off the stove immidiately after Misso paste melts in the soup, otherwise the aroma will be gone.

Vola! It's a classic Japanese breakfast.
Nori paper, Grilled salmon with grained daikon radish, Kim chee, Chili powder for Misso soup, Rice