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6 Aug 2013

Yuzu Daikon- Turnip citrus vinegar Salad

I may sound really funny to you, but one of the foods I miss in Japan is pickled veggies. We eat pickles, as you eat salad in this country.

We receive organic vegetables from a local farmer every week. One day, I got a mysterious vegetable turnip. I've never seen this before. I didn't know how I could eat it. In this case, I usually eat it in a salad. I cut this white-root looking veggie, and ate it raw. 

Oh my god, it's like Daikon! It tasted exactly like Daikon. I have Daikon, why don't I make pickles?!

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Marinating Time: 4 hours

3 turnips
3 tablespoons of Korean honey citrus tea (Yuzu Cha) or marmalade
2 tablespoons of white vinegar
Konbu seaweed
1 dried chili corn
a pinch of salt

I bought a jar of Korean honey citrus tea at Loblaws.

Step 1: Cut turnips into quarter moons.

Step 2: Using scissors, cut seaweed and chili.

 Step 3: Put all the ingredients in a Ziploc.

Step 4:  Shake it well, and then put it in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Step 5: After a half day of marinating, enjoy your summer salad.